Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things

So I had to document this before I forget.

The picture is actually from my 19th birthday but it was cute and I wanted to put a picture of Cameron with this post.

My sister Tiffany and her three kids are here visiting for my brother Matt's homecoming and for my wedding. I have been able to spend lots of time with them. Tonight, Cameron said: "Christine could you get me a sippie cup of water please?" When I got up, I told him: "Thanks for saying please Cam." and he says the sentence that pretty much made my night. "Well that's the only word that gets you anything." Of course he put his hands up and shrugged his shoulders like he was just saying it for results and isn't sure how it works out...just knows it does. Anyway, just thought I would share cause I thought it was hilarious!


Heather said...

That gave me a GREAT laugh! Thanks for posting.

Our Family said...

that's pretty cute! can't wait to see that kid! he's so fun! how are wedding plans coming? hope you're doing great! katie

Aaron & Michelle said...

Hey Cam's the man. He is sure cute.

Chelsey said...

woman! I just saw your comment about our car! I know it was weeks ago but if you are still looking its still for sale.. Hope all is well with you!