Monday, March 16, 2009

You Can Take the Girl Out of Utah....

So about a week and a half ago, I started to consider not returning to BYU-Idaho based on a feeling that I needed to think about all of my upcoming options. I wanted to go back to BYU-I because I have everything established up there. School, a social life, family, I know my way around, etc. But for some reason, I feel it is the right thing to do to transfer to UVU for Fall semester. In the meantime (summer semester), I will continue to live at home, work, and attend the Singles Ward here. I will really miss Rexburg. I will miss my friends, but not nearly as much as I will miss my family. I have already missed playing with my nieces and nephews and spending time with my siblings. Emmeli, I will really miss you in particular. You are more like a little sister than a niece. I promise we will still see each other. I promise I will still see all of the Sommer and Christensen kids. I love you all! Thanks to all my friends in Rexburg for helping me through hard times, and enjoying the good times with me. Thanks to my family in Rexburg too! A special thanks to Dave and Chels. You guys always helped me out. I'll miss you! I'll still come up to visit when I can. Hopefully I'll see you down here too. So, a new adventure begins! I'm excited and a little nervous, but it definitely helps to know that I am doing the right thing. Well be on the look out for some more posts that I have been procrastinating!


Aaron & Michelle said...

Good luck Christine!!!! We will miss you up here in the burg. Love you. Michelle

Chelsea Nicole said...

Have fun sister.. Dave and I will be sure to come down and visit

Chris Keller said...

Christine, this is new news?! UVU will be lucky to have you. Miss you.


Our Family said...

good luck at uvu! we'll miss you up here but i'm sure you'll do great down there too! love ya! katie